Tuesday 5 December 2006
A little bit of news from the set of Rush Hour 3 accompanied by a couple of pearls of wisdom from Mr Chan.

"The good news is…Chris Tucker is sick, which means we all have a day off. Last night, he told me he wasn’t feeling well. I noticed that several times he put his hands to his throat. He also seemed more quiet than usual.

We have been filming in a hospital for the last two days. Although it no longer is a working hospital, it’s still a small and enclosed environment. There isn’t any fresh air and when people start coughing, germs start traveling. This is why we should all cover our mouths when we cough and we should wash our hands before we eat. Sometimes on the set, we don’t have time to use the bathroom, so we often eat without washing our hands. Germs can be really contagious.

I think my immune system is really strong. Whenever I get sick, I recover quickly. When I work with American or European cast and crew in Asia, they always get sick the minute they arrive. Crew members from “Rush Hour”, “Rush Hour 2”, “Shanghai Noon“, and “Around the World in 80 Days“ have all gotten food poisoning or stomach flu when they come to Asia. I think their immune systems are weaker than mine because they have not been exposed to as many germs as me. Since I was born, I’ve been surrounded by dirt and germs. I rarely get sick.

The bad news is that we have lost a day in filming and we have now gone over budget. I think I need to send some flowers to Chris and wish him a speedy recovery. (Actually, my fans know that I don’t believe in sending flowers, so the money that I would have spent on flowers will be spent on a donation to my charity.)


I want to remind all my fans, that it’s really important to wash your hands before you eat. Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth because that’s how germs can enter your body. If you sneeze or cough, try to cover your mouth with a napkin or cough into the crook of your arm. If you go into a hospital, be extra careful because there are even more germs there."
So remember kids, wash your hands before eating, and give the money you would spend on flowers to charity.

Jackie also re-injured his chest recently on the set of Rush Hour,

"Sometimes I hate myself. I was doing a special bit with a table during a fight sequence. It was the fourth take and I already got the shots I wanted. I decided to change it a little bit and get one more shot. I suddenly got hit in the chest by this wooden table, reinforced with steel.

I was in a lot of pain because it was in the same spot where I had gotten hurt during the filming of Rob B Hood. For three months, whenever I coughed or sneezed, I was in pain."
Though he's no stranger to injuries.

posted by Justin at 12/05/2006 02:11:00 pm |